![[face wide sun ra.jpg]] <!-- ![[with melodica.png|inlR|230]] ![[face close up sun ra.jpg]] <!-- ![[with melodica.png]] --> <!-- <button>REQUEST A FREE TRIAL LESSON</button> --> I'm a piano and songwriting teacher based out of London, Ontario. Teaching both in-person and online lessons, I enjoy working with students all over the United States and Canada. [[About Me | Read more about me...]] Interested in taking private lessons or organizing a workshop? Shoot me an email get in contact! [[Music Lessons | Read more about how lessons work...]] *~ Andrew* P.S. If you're also a music teacher, you may be interested in reading my [[On Pedagogy - A Blog for Educators | blog for educators]]. ### Contact <!-- - **New — Join my email list!** --> - Twitter: [@heyOlmstead](https://twitter.com/heyOlmstead) - Instagram: [@heyOlmstead](https://www.instagram.com/heyolmstead) - Email: [email protected]